
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Microsoft Virtual University: Building Educator Capacity for 21st Century Teaching & Learning

Tonight's Virtual University with Tracy Immel (Imagine Education) focused on effective professional development for educators. 

Key Points
  • The most effective teacher PD includes active learning such as action research, working with a coach/mentor & actually practicing skills
  • Educators are expected to adapt/customize learning for students.  Similarly, teachers need customized professional development opportunities that address their needs!
  • "Informal" PD is important too.   I find some of my best ideas, growth and development come from informal conversations with colleagues, my social media networks & other informal channels
  • Some schools are are offering competency based courses.  Students select from a wide variety of learning resources, set their own pace and take (and retake) assessments when they are ready.  Effective PD for teachers follows this model: set competency standards for teachers and let them choose resources and pace that helps them improve!
  • Microsoft Certified Educator designation will be coming soon: a competency-based assessment for educators

Microsoft Digital Literacy Course
Microsoft Teaching with Technology Curriculum
Partners in Learning Network

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