
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Farewell: Looking Back on Grade 1

Today is our last day of Grade 1.  We did a lot of fun things this year and we learned a lot.  Here are our favorite things from Grade 1:
  • playing the Kinect
  • picking out of the birthday bag
  • writing
  • playing on the computers
  • making PhotoStories with the Grade 10s
  • math writing
  • reading
  • playing with lego
  • going outside for recess
  • free time
  • free gym
  • word study
  • playing games
  • working with Mrs. Obach
  • word study games
  • math games
  • helping people in Africa
  • helping animals
  • making bunny treats
  • adopting animals (7 polar bears, 1 meerkat, 1 orangutan)
  • having fun
  • going on a field trip to Alyssa's Ark Small Animal Rescue (and Montana's!)
  • going on a playground tour and picnic field trip with our Oak Lake Kindergarten friends
  • visits from the Lion's Club
  • playing PAX games
  • baking cookies to get money for adopting polar bears
  • having a garage sale to raise money to help people and animals
  • using technology
  • watching a movie, swimming and playing soccer
  • writing persuasive texts
  • Tweeting
  • getting Granny's Wacky Prizes 
  • word sorting with Mrs. Obach
  • writing retell texts
  • learning about 3D objects
  • doing math with a partner

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