
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Project Based Learning: Our Project Launch

My latest guest blog post has been posted to the Partners in Learning Network.  It explains how we launched our project based learning this year and gives teachers ideas for starting project based learning in their own classrooms.

To start talking about learning projects for this year,  my Grade 1 students Skyped Mrs. Caldwell's Kindergarten class in Oak Lake and we talked a bit about choosing projects that would help us learn and help make a difference for people, animals or the earth.  Students that have done projects with Mrs. Caldwell and I previously were guest speakers for the call and they explained some of the projects they have done.  Older students explained highlights of their polar bear adoption, work with animal rescue, Recycle for Good garage sale, litterless lunch competitions, lemonade stand to save Oregon spotted frogs and reusable bag reminder campaign.  It was really exciting to have students share all of the great projects they've done in the past!

We've got some really exciting ideas for this year's special learning project - I am really excited to help the Grade 1s get started!! Stay tuned for more updates on our project!

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