
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Inspiration and Insight from Steve Dembo

The Awakening Possibilities conference kicked off with an engaging keynote from Steve Dembo @teach42 
Here is what I'm taking away from his presentation:
  •  In education, we should want to be first.  Be like the "line leaders" at school!   Be the first to try new things and blaze the trail, so we can lead the way for others and make changes that will positively impact teaching and learning.  
  • Technology often goes through phases of acceptance.  First, people think a new technology is "crazy" and most people reject it (ie: seriously, 10 years ago, who thought we'd pull out a camera, take a photo of our food, edit it and post it online.  Now, people do that on Instagram all the time!). Despite resistance from many, some people start using the tool and eventually we're all using it!  All the more reason to try new things and try them soon!
  • We live in a multimedia society.  Schools and educators need to think beyond traditional schoolwork (like essay writing, for example).  Students should be effectively using audio, video, images, podcasting, moviemaking, blogging and more! 
  • Creating and sharing are so important for our learners.  We need to teach students how to share with an audience and effectively communicate their ideas!  

"I skate towards where the puck is going to be, not where it has been." 
 - Wayne Gretzky
To be great, our schools and teachers must "go to where we WILL be". 

DiscoveryEducation: resources for education
WeVideo : Online video creation tool


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