
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Recycle for Education Contest Entry

My Grade 1 class decided they'd like to enter the Staples Recycle for Education contest.  They brainstormed things that our school and classroom do to help the environment and wrote their entry today.    Students took turns coming up with the sentence ideas and took turns writing.  Some highlights they pointed our were our school's recycling program and the effort our class has made this year to help animals, including their cookie fundraiser which raised enough money to adopt 7 polar bears. 

Earlier this school year, students worked with our partner classroom, the OLCS Kinders, to come up with ideas to help the earth and make a difference in the world.  I have documented their work with co-author Devon Caldwell at our blog.  You can read about the Grade 1s cookie fundraiser here, including information on their grocery shopping trip, cookie baking with volunteers, adoption application and the arrival of their adoption kits

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