
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Recycle for Good Garage Sale

Things got pretty busy in March and my blogging was neglected.  However, my students and I were keeping very busy...

One of the exciting things that we have been working on is our "Recycle for Good Garage Sale".  One of my students brought me the letter below and acted as a passionate advocate for helping others.  She asked me if she could talk to her peers about her ideas and then worked with them to come up with a way to fundraise to help people in Africa.
Our class had talked about the idea of a garage sale earlier in the year when we were thinking of ways to fundraise to adopt polar bears, so it seemed like a good time to put our idea into action for a good cause!  We chose dates that coincide with our Celebration of Learning because families will already be visiting our school on those days.  We already new that we wanted to adopt another species from WWF, but since we had a new focus of helping people in Africa, we had to research organizations working in that area.  Next, we designed posters and chose locations to advertise our garage sale.  We shared our posters electronically and students also put them up in our community.  Currently, we are collecting items to sell and seeking volunteers to help run the garage sale.  It's another exciting learning adventure for our class!

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