
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Farmer Appreciation Day: Baking Cookies

Once we returned from our successful grocery shopping trip last Friday, we were ready to start baking cookies for Farmer Appreciation Day.  We had a quick meeting at the learning carpet so I could go over the plan with students and review expectations and rules for baking.  Since it was during our usual math time, I set up cookie baking as one of our math centers so students could take turns baking.  During centers, students were able to mix up 3 batches of cookies.  PLUS, they did lots of math learning at each center!

After recess, we moved our class down to the kitchen to start baking!  Students had printing and art to do, so they packed up their supplies and materials so they could work on their tasks while we were baking.  Students took turns scooping out cookie dough while others worked on the assigned tasks.  We made a lot of yummy-smelling chocolate chip cookies and it was really hard not to "taste test".  We also got all of the pumpkin molasses cookies scooped out and ready to bake.  It was a VERY busy afternoon!

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