
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Hyperdocs for Science Design Projects

 The students in Mrs. Shwaluk's Grade 7 and 8 classes at Shoal Lake School have been using technology to enhance their learning. They've agreed to let me share their recent science design project to show how technology was integrated.  

The project

As part of their science class, students were challenged to design a cooler to keep ice frozen as long as possible. They were responsible for documenting the design process and collecting data.  

The technology

Students used different tech tools to enhance their design project and the presentation of the data.  

Hyperdocs with Google Slides: Students created a hyperdoc in Slides which included each step of the design process, including details on the materials, planning, results and conclusion.  Students added links to research sources, Sheets used for data collection and videos of their initial build and re-iteration to make improvements.  

Google Sheets: Students collected their temperature data in a table in Google Sheets, which was used to create the graphs they included in their final hyperdoc.  

WeVideo: Students used WeVideo to record and edit their videos, which showed them building their coolers and then revising them based on initial testing.  

Micro:bits: Students programmed micro:bits to take temperature measurements as a way of collecting data while testing their coolers.  

The projects

I was so excited to see this student work when Mrs. Shwaluk shared it with our professional learning community!  It is such a wonderful example of how we can use technology to enhance learning and the students did a great job of demonstrating their understanding through their videos and hyperdocs.  Here are some examples from students who agreed to share their work.

Jacob's video explaining his cooler build

Reese's Hyperdoc

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