
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Optics and Light Science Research Videos by DCS Grade 7 & 8

 The following work is from Mr. Elias Wipf's Grade 7 and 8 class at Decker Colony School. Thank you to this group for allowing me to showcase their work here on the blog.

About our Research Project

These fantastic WeVideo creations were created in our grade 8 Optics and Light unit. All of these research projects were to show that light and wavelengths have energy that can be used in all kinds of applications. We all picked a topic to research, did the research, created a script for the narration, recorded and edited video, uploaded it on YouTube, and made a QR code for it so that people can access it.

Abigail:My project was X-Rays. Once the research was complete, the rest was easy. All in all I think the greatest challenge was the research, and uncovering the meanings of the complicated scientific terms. Although at some points it was challenging, I am pleased to know what is happening as the doctors and nurses are taking X-Rays.

Jesse: My research was about Satellites and Satellite dishes. In the beginning of my research, I had absolutely no idea what a Satellite or a Satellite dish was. I didn’t even know that they were used for live broadcasting. As I started researching my project, it became more and more clear in my mind. After a little more research, I can proudly say that I am now a Satellite and Satellite dish “expert.”

Gabriel: My research project was a microwave. At first my microwave research went awful. I only had about two sentences when the other students had twenty. I slowly started to advance. I was writing more words than the day before. Then I got permission to record. I wasted an entire half hour because I messed up big time. I wanted to throw my laptop through the wall. After a few minutes, I finally got it right. Now I can watch a microwave oven cook food and know exactly how it works.

Matthias: My research project was about motion sensors. I hardly knew anything in the beginning of my research. When I finally started researching, I got an Idea about how it works. I kept building on my information until I knew enough about it to start my video. So here is my finished video for you to enjoy.

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