I've been working with Miss. Baker's Grade 5 and 6 class this year to integrate Minecraft EDU with their social studies learning. In our latest activity, students were challenged to build a monument in Minecraft that represents moving forward with Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. This learning activity was inspired by the Logics Academy activity: Changemakers of Canadian History.
The students worked in teams to brainstorm possible Monuments and discuss the meanings of the symbols/objects they might construct. Each team decided on one monument to build and then worked collaboratively to create it in Minecraft. Students added a sign to explain their monument and took screenshots or screen recordings to share their work.
Some of the groups chose animals from the 7 teachings, which they'd learned about before. Other groups designed original Monuments.
Thanks to the Grade 5 and 6 students for sharing their work to be featured here for others to see! Not all groups had permission to share, but there is a great selection here to check out.